Lent & Easter Schedule
To view our Lent & Easter Mass Schedule please click here.
Welcome to our Parish
Join us for Mass
Welcome to our parish. We are glad that you will be joining us for mass! The parish asks that if you have any signs or symptoms of a cough, sore throat, fever, sneezing, chills or runny nose please do not attend church. You are not obligated to come to church when you are not feeling well. We thank you in advance.
Mass Times
Monday, 8:15 a.m. St.Helen
Tuesday, 8:15 a.m. St. Helen (school mass when in session)
Wednesday, 8:15 a.m. St. Alexander (school mass when in session)
Miercoles, 6:30 p.m. Santa Elena (Español)
Thursday, 8:15 a.m. St. Alexander
Friday, 8:15 a.m. St. Alexander
Parishioners are welcome to join the school masses.
Weekend Masses / Misas de fin de semana
Saturday, 4 p.m. St. Alexander
Sabado, 5 p.m. Santa Elena(Espanol)
Sunday, 8:30 a.m. St. Helen
Domingo, 8:30 a.m. San Alejandro (Espanol)
Sunday, 10:30 a.m. St. Helen
Domingo, 11:30 a.m. San Alejandro (Espanol)
Eucharistic Adoration & Benediction
Adoración Eucarística & Bendición
St. Alexander / San Alejandro
Monday / Lunes, 6-7 p.m.
Reconciliation / Reconciliación
(in both languages, en ambas lenguas)
Saturday 2:30-3:30 p.m. St. Alexander
Ministries at SJPII Parish
Gracious and loving God, we understand that you call us to be the stewards of Your abundance, the caretakers of all you have entrusted to us. Help us always to use your gifts wisely and teach us to share them generously. May our faithful stewardship bear witness to the love of Christ in our lives. Ministries at SJPII Parish (English & Español).
Information Request Form
Please describe in the message box below your request. We will respond to you the following business day.
- Fr. Michael A. Ignaszak, Pastor
- Fr. Gabriel Zavala, Associate Pastor
- Deacon Edwin Reyes, Permanent Deacon
- Deacon Manuel Maldonado-Villalobos, Permanent Deacon
- Myriam McClellan, Principal
- Sharon Dahle, Director of Administrative Services
- Amelia Monserrat Avila, Director of Faith Formation
- Awilda Aranda, Pastoral Associate
- Robert Martin, Director of Music & Liturgy
- Doreen Petrovic, Safeguarding Coordinator, Administrative Assistant
- Maria Romero Parks, Bilingual Secretary
- Miguel Herrera, Director of Maintenance
Office Hours
lunes a viernes 8 a.m.-3:45 p.m.
Masses of WELCOME with Archbishop Grob
Bilingual Parish Secretary
Join a dedicated team serving an active south side parish with two church sites.
Responsibilities include receptionist duties, translation (English/Spanish), scheduling mass intentions, maintenance of parish records and files and general secretarial duties for the pastor and staff. Organizational and computer skills are a must. Previous experience in a parish setting preferred. (20 hours/week)
Salary and benefits are commensurate to experience. Job application can be found on the Archdiocese of Milwaukee website-Careers tab. Send resume and application to: Rev. Michael A. Ignaszak, St. John Paul II Parish, 3307 S. 10th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53215.
Baptism Prep Classes
If you are interested in baptizing your child, you must be a member of SJPII Parish. You must attend the Baptism Prep Classes which take place on the First Tuesday of each month in English and the First Thursday of each month in Spanish. Classes begin promptly at 6 p.m. at SJPII-St. Helen Church, 3329 S. 10th Street, Cost: $50. Call the parish office for more information. You must sign up beforehand in order to attend the class.
Food Pantry
Food Pantry Date: March 15
Item of the Month: Strawberry or Grape Jelly
Hours: 10-11:30 a.m.
Monetary donations gladly accepted.
If you have any questions, please call Awilda Aranda at 744-3695, x118.
2025 Food Pantry Dates
St. John Paul II Food Pantry
Food Pantries take place on the 3rd Saturday of the month.
EXCEPTION: April will be the 2nd Saturday of the Month. Date: April 12.
EXCEPTION: June & July will be the 3rd Friday of the Month: Dates: June 20 & July 18.
EXCEPTION: August will be the 4th Friday of the month. Date: August 22.
Food Pantry Dates:
Feb. 22 | Mar. 15 | Apr. 12 | May 17 | June 20 | July 18 |
Aug. 22 | Sep. 20 | Oct. 18 | Nov. 15 | Dec. 20 | Jan. 17 |
LOCATION: St. John Paul II Parish, 3329 S. 10th Street (lower level), across from Ohio Park. Enter the door to the left of the elevator. Call 414-744-3695 to schedule an appointment. Please bring photo identification and current proof of address. If you are in need of furniture or other assistance, contact the St. Vincent de Paul Main Office at 414-462-7837.
Prayer Warriors
Calling prayer warriors, please click on "Prayer Warriors" located on the top toolbar for more information.
Secure Online Giving
Click to Give - Thank You!
Haga clic para dar - ¡Gracias!
Donating is simple, safe and completely secure. You can set up a recurring weekly or monthly transaction using your checking, savings, credit or debit card accounts. You can decide how much to give to any collection and make changes any time, day or night. If you are not attending mass, we ask that you continue to support your church by online giving, mailing in or dropping off your contributions to the parish office. Your support to the parish continues even when you cannot be in the pew. SIGN UP NOW!
If you would like to receive the bulletin via email along with other reading material, such as Everyday Stewardship, Grace, Gratitude & Prayer, or upcoming news & events at SJPII, please email: petrovicd@sjp2cs.org. We will be happy to add you to our mailing list.